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Daniel Goldstein brings decades of practical knowledge and experience to the practice of Medical, Industrial, Environmental, and Forensic Toxicology.
He received a Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology from University of Wisconsin, Madison (1976) and his MD from Johns Hopkins University (1981), followed by residency in Pediatrics (Johns Hopkins) and fellowship in Clinical Pharmacology and Medical Toxicology (University of Toronto). He is board certified by the American Boards of Pediatrics, Medical Toxicology, and Clinical Pharmacology, and by the Royal College of Physicians of Canada
(Pediatrics). He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Medical Toxicology, American Academy of Clinical Toxicology, and the Royal College of Physicians (Canada). Following 10 years in clinical and consulting practice in Denver, he joined the Monsanto medical staff in 1998, moving in 1999 into Global Regulatory Affairs. He was appointed Senior (2002) and then Distinguished Science Fellow (2017) in recognition of his technical contributions. He retired from Monsanto (now Bayer) in July of 2018 while serving as Lead, Medical Sciences and Outreach, Monsanto Regulatory Affairs. Dr. Goldstein relocated to Portland, Oregon in early 2022.
Dr. Goldstein has served on the EPA Child Health Protection Advisory Committee and the EPA Science Advisory Board (early-life exposure to carcinogens), as an advisor to the NAFTA Commission for Environmental Cooperation (child health indicators), and as Leadership Council member, Biomonitoring Working Group member, and Chair of the Chemical Use and Exposure Pathways Sub-Group for the National Conversation on Public Health and Chemicals in the Environment and as a Scientific Advisor to the International Life Sciences Institute / Health and Environmental Sciences Institute. Dr. Goldstein has previously served on the Board of Directors of the American College of Medical Toxicology, and as American Board of Pediatrics representative to and Chair of the Conjoint Medical Toxicology Sub-Board, the examining and certification body for Medical Toxicology. He currently serves as a consultant to Bayer and is available for general consulting in Medical, Industrial, Environmental, and Forensic Toxicology.
Dr. Goldstein was born in Aurora, Illinois, grew up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and currently resides in St. Louis, Missouri. He has four children. Additional areas of interest include Apothecary History and Collecting, and he is author of The Historical Apothecary Compendium. He enjoys wood and metal working focused on home improvements, toys for grandchildren and model steam boilers and engines. As a collector of apothecary books and papers, he developed an interest in book conservation and bookbinding binding, and served as a volunteer in the Paper Conservation Laboratory of the Missouri Botanic
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