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NOTE:  Links are provided for general information and are selected to be of high quality. However, providing these links does not constitute an endorsement of all content, nor does it indicate that my personal or expert opinion will agree with all of the available information. 

What's a Medical Toxicologist?
Information on our profession, ethics guidelines, and position statements
Mechanism of Action Classifications for Herbicides (HRAC), Fungicides (FRAC), and Insecticides (IRAC)
(Download posters, structures and additional information from site)
Dictionary of Chemistry
Online (ScienceNotes)
PubChem / HSDB
National Library of Medicine
ATSDR Toxicologic Profiles
US Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
WHO- IPCS Publications
ToxTutor- Basic Principles of Toxicology from National Library of Medicine
ILO Encyclopedia of Occupational
Health and Safety
(International Labor Organization)
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